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  • Celebrating the Resilience of Mothers

    by Jude Jacob Kayton May 06, 2020

    Celebrating the Resilience of Mothers

    To celebrate Mothers, and especially Mothers in the time of Corona, we asked some of our ambassadors to share either the best resilience advice their mother gave them OR tell us what parenting taught them about resilience. We are proud to have such an amazing group of daughters and mothers in our community and are excited to share these resilience quotes with you.

    “My mom never tried to hold back my tenacity or grit and always told me that you won’t get what you don't ask for. She reminded me I am stronger than I think and that resilience always far outweighs beauty. I am strong today because of the long line of resilient, stubborn, women beginning with my Mom’s Mom.” - Alyssa Olenick @littlessfitness


    “Resilience is one of my all time favorite words in the english language. My mother taught me that we are in control of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We always have options, and options mean resilience.” - Annie Miller


    “The best quote my mom has ever taught me about resilience is that “Sometimes, you have to slow down to speed up.” She always preached this concept! In order to move forward in times of uncertainty and adversity, we need to slow down & be where our feet are. Instead of looking too far ahead, we should try to see the current moment with clarity and patience.” - Erin Miller @_emiller


    "Becoming a mom has been one of the hardest things for me, but more so now than ever, I realize it has taught me how strong and resilient I really am. Nothing worth having ever comes easy, right? I take deep pride in the fact that my daughter will grow up knowing her mother may be flawed and far from perfect but she still shows up and fights through each and every day." - Kristen Garzone @mellank


    “My mother taught me resilience through the way she lived.  She has strong beliefs and showed me that resilience was a posture of servanthood and living to help others know how loved and special they are!” - Tanner Tevis, @trainertanner


    “My late mother always said: “if you go to bed and are proud of yourself at the end of the day for what you did that day, then you are good. But never go to bed with regret. Then that means there was something you wish you did differently.” - Lori Miggins @lorimiggins



    “Having my daughter has shown me just how resilient I really am. I am strong for her, so she sees a role model of a fearless woman. I am gentle with her, so she knows there is power in vulnerability. I am playful with her so she keeps a wild and fun spirit about her. I am all those things everyday, no matter the stress, work load or busyness of life. Motherhood doesn’t get easier, we get more resilient.” - Ashley Galvin @ashleygalvinyoga


    “My Mom is the sweetest person in the world. She taught me to be kind to everyone. People can mistake kindness for weakness, but the truth is you can be kind while being tough.” - Joelle Samantha, @joellesamantha


    "My Mom taught me resilience at an early age. She told me that no matter what I wanted to achieve in life, I could do it if I worked hard enough. She said that with my work ethic and my positive personality, NOTHING was too far out of reach. She also taught me that I needed to treat every person I met with with love, dignity, and respect. I love that she set me up for success with high morals early on in life. So grateful for my Momma :)" - Jaime Innis, @jaimeinnis

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