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by Lorisa Hasenbush July 04, 2022
FRÉ is proud to support Boatot, a nonprofit organization that runs soccer programs for girls throughout Israel. Through sport and other social enrichment activities, the program concentrates on helping the girls develop self-confidence, self-esteem, a sense of belonging, and positive body image.
Soccer for peace
The program strives to advance girls’ soccer on a national level, while promoting diversity and inclusion. The participants are Israeli and Arab girls. As they improve their athletic skills, they learn teamwork. We believe that peace starts here, with children, community and education.
Our time with the girls
FRÉ sponsors a Boatot team and visits with the girls throughout the year. At these meetings, FRÉ staff and Ambassadors volunteer their time and skills, providing the girls with a fun and educational experience. Each meeting is different. Sometimes there is a focus on skincare, while other times there is a focus on athleticism. Of course, we always chat with the girls, learning about their lives and the dynamics of the team. Usually, we end the meeting with a soccer game. Sometimes, the girls are playing against another Boatot team, and we cheer them on. Other times, we have had friendly girls vs. FRÉ games. The girls are very skilled, and we really had to play hard to make a goal.
Developing unity
The more we get to know the girls, the more we notice their strong sense of unity. The girls really work together. Their coach has created a team of confident girls who not only know what they want, but also are encouraging and supportive of one another. This is a true example of women’s empowerment where girls are growing together and helping each other. They make lifting each other up as important as making soccer goals.
Contagious energy
Visiting the team is a highlight for the FRÉ staff and Ambassadors. The girls are filled with enthusiasm and energy and it is contagious. We come away from the visits with high spirits and a strengthened sense of purpose. We also learn at the meetings; we learn that teamwork and empowering others can be an integral part of our everyday lives.
Additional support for Boatot
In addition to working with the girls directly, FRÉ has donated money, time and resources to help the Boatot organization develop their program strategy, their marketing materials, and their social media plan. This support will help Bo’atot increase its reach by 48%, allowing them to facilitate an additional 210 girls.
Strong women, strong world
FRÉ is proud of its work with Boatot, but we are thankful for the FRÉ community that supports not only our skincare line, but also our social missions. Empowering women, especially through sports, is dear to our hearts. When women are strong, the world is strong. We believe women are a driving force for progress. In order to ensure that women will continue to grow strong in society, we believe in empowering the next generation of women. Today’s girls will become tomorrow’s leaders. Our impact on these girls’ lives is possible due to your support, so thank you.
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