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  • Our 2019 Social Impact Report

    by Jude Jacob Kayton November 27, 2019

    For every FRÉ set sold, we plant an Argan Tree of Life in Morocco.

    We are not a brand. We are a movement!  

    On “FRÉ Day”, June 21, we celebrated two years of action!

    FRÉ was born with a passion to create the best skin care solution for active skin, and a passion to create a brand with a real social impact. We even dreamt of leading the way and showing the world that corporations can be social game-changers if they have the will to contribute to human progress.

    It is only the beginning of our journey, but today, we wanted to share with you, our FRÉnds some of our community’s achievements. Our mission is to lead change around two issues that we consider to be the calling of our generation: protecting our planet and empowering women. We believe that our world is currently unbalanced since women still do not fulfill their full leadership potential. When women are strong, the world is stronger. When women are free, the world is freer. And when women’s communities rise, whole societies rise.

    For every FRÉ set sold, we plant an Argan Tree of Life in Morocco.

    We are grateful to work with an amazing community of female fitness leaders, our  Ambassadors, and customers, the FRÉnds, who play an important role in these two topics.    

    One Set, One Tree

    For every set sold, we plant an Argan Tree of Life in Morocco.

    Thanks to you, and to our partners at the High Atlas Foundation, we’ve planted over 15,000 trees so far! We also provide workshops and educational tools for women’s cooperatives in the Essaouira region, as well as for their children and families.

    We plant 1,000 times more trees than we use and love this program because planting a tree has a strong and concrete impact. Planting one tree helps double the annual income of Moroccan women who produce Argan Oil. Each tree also replenishes the endangered Argan forest and ensures the livelihood of local cooperatives for years to come.

    Pink Month

    October is the annual International Breast Cancer Awareness month, and this year we raised funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The funds raised were donated for life-saving mammograms and breast scans for women in need, who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford them. We were able to donate 12 screenings to the Foundation's beneficiaries.

    Giving back to causes you care about

    Our team is 90% female and immigrant, with a team of 10 people who immigrated to Israel from 9 different countries in the world. But FRÉ is bigger than just our team. We are powered by the strong and fierce community of female Ambassadors who work hard to make our world a better place. We are proud to give a percentage of our sales to causes that our Ambassadors and staff care deeply about, focusing on women’s empowerment and protecting our environment. Over the past year, we have donated to: The Body Positive, Gvahim, Fractured Atlas, Boston Children’s Hospital, Every Mother Counts, National Breast Cancer Foundation, Or Shalom Foundation, Team Type 1 Foundation, In It For Life, High Atlas Foundation and the Arbor Day Foundation.

    Celebrating our Ambassadors

    We also want to celebrate our fantastic Ambassadors today! You are doing amazing things and changing the world day by day. Here is a shout out to a few of you and the causes you are passionate about. We are proud to support you!

    @kickingwithkara and the Warriors Rising Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to helping trauma survivors heal by offering free trauma-sensitive yoga in NYC.

    @kierenbritton and The Lady Alliance, building confidence and community through adventure.

    @gracefitstudio and The Swan Dream Project, changing the demoralized, objectified and caricatured images of African-American women through ballet.

    @mellank and Every Mother Counts, preventing global maternal deaths.

    @mandymarquardt and Team Novo Nordisk, inspiring, educating and empowering people with diabetes.

    @littlewarriorfitness and RAINN, America’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, supporting survivors with the National Sexual Assault Hotline.

    @rebeccahleigh and One Love Foundation, working with students to educate, empower, and activate communities in a movement to end relationship abuse.

    @natab12 and Gateway to Goldan NGO that gets young children with disabilities involved in the Junior Olympics and Paralympics, and Miami Overtown Tornadoes Track and Field Club, a youth group in Miami for underprivileged kids who can’t afford to buy track shoes.

    "I spend time talking about my journey at high schools. I love kids and I love speaking to kids. I am proud to motivate young athletes and youth groups not to give up on their dreams. I support Miami Overtown Tornadoes Track and Field Club, a youth group in Miami for underprivileged kids who can’t afford to buy track shoes. I also support Gateway to Gold, an NGO that gets young children with disabilities involved in the Junior Olympics and Paralympics. 

    I’m grateful to be able to inspire kids to achieve their dreams and not take no for an answer. My mantra is one that is built out of my life experiences: “The only limits we set are the ones we set ourselves, so I intend to be limitless.” 

    Follow Natalie and get TeamUSA updates HERE.

    Watch a video interview with Natalie HERE.

    @morgan.a.kline and MDA Summer Camp, providing fun physical fitness activities to children suffering from muscular dystrophy.

    Caring for each other & for the environment

    Our skincare is gentle to skin, and to the environment. We are a PETA certified Cruelty Free brand. This means that none of our ingredients, ingredient suppliers, formulations, and finished products are tested on animals. We are 100% vegan and our products do not contain any animal or animal-derived ingredients. We are reef safe so our products do not contain any harmful or polluting chemicals and we only use environmentally friendly solutions.

    Building a more peaceful world  

    Last but not least, we have a dream that the FRÉ Movement, with its amazing female Ambassadors, can promote peace in our region and in the world. This is, of course, a long-term vision but as an Israeli company, we are convinced that peace in our region will only progress if societies take responsibility and decide they want to move from conflict and violence to cooperation. We are convinced that women and corporations, not governments, will lead the way to peace, and hope we can play a positive role in this important mission.

    In our last mission to Morocco, we were proud to invite 4 Ambassadors from three different countries and three different religious backgrounds. Having Yaara Benvenishti, an Israeli Ambassador and Heba Ali, an American-Palestinian Ambassador together with Annie Miller and Kristen Garzone, two American-born Ambassadors, connecting so strongly with each other and with the Moroccan women who harvest Argan oil has been the first seed in the direction that we believe in.  

    THANK YOU FRÉnds, for making all that possible! This is only the beginning, but we are proud of our beautiful community. Let’s continue and bring light to the world!


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