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  • Wendy Miller Green: Warrior woman who continues to defy the odds.

    by Pam Green October 31, 2019 1 Comment

    Wendy Miller Green: Warrior woman who continues to defy the odds.

    About Me: I’m a happy, healthy 42 year old warrior woman who wants to encourage others to live their best life! 

    Follow Me: @Happy_Healthy_Mommyoffour

    My journey to becoming a warrior: Growing up I wasn’t allowed to play sports but was taught the value of hard work. However, I have always been attracted to the determination of athletes and their dedication to push their bodies to become stronger and faster. After suffering from depression, to the point of day dreaming of suicide, I decided to avoid “fixing” the problem with a pill and rather change my lifestyle. First I eliminated highly processed foods, I got plenty of water, and began walking a few times a week. The walking turned into running, which turned into Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). When I completed my first Spartan OCR the warrior that was sleeping inside of me woke up and raised her head! I’ve never felt so alive! I began OCR in 2015 as an open athlete. Knowing how much I enjoyed it I began racing competitively in 2016. 

    It’s so important to remind ourselves of everything we have to be grateful for! To not take our bodies for granted and live life to the fullest! 

    Now at 42 I feel better than I did in my 20’s! 

    My biggest challenge: My own mind. Each day I have a war in my head. Sometimes I still see myself as the very insecure young girl that just wished she could fit in and be accepted. Our minds do that to us! It’s literally every day. I’m not enough, I can’t, I won’t… But that’s when I remind myself of all that I’ve overcome, and the odds that I’ve beat in life. 

    My biggest inspiration:  My old self. Yes it’s true, I inspire myself...let me explain. I became a young, single mother two days after turning 17. The odds were not in our favor according to small town society standards. Many wrote my son and I off, believing we wouldn’t make anything of ourselves. We in turn did the opposite! The whispers, rumors and gossip will always be in the back of my mind. I aspire to make that young, unwed, teen mother proud to hold her head high because her story didn’t end there!  

    A healthy lifestyle: is not just about physical health but also must include emotional, mental and spiritual health. 

    Community projects I am passionate about? I give back to our community by volunteering at our children’s school with field trips, class parties, and more, and I am currently the PTSO (Parents, Teachers, Students Organisation) president. 

    In the fitness community I’m very active with our Spartan Women community. Being able to have a sisterhood of like minded women to motivate, encourage and support is a true blessing. 

    FRÉ for me, and my daughters: I’ve been a FRÉ ambassador for only a year. I absolutely love not only the skincare products but the values of the company. Helping empower other women with job opportunities, planting argan trees and not using animals for product testing all appealed to me. I’ve enjoyed using FRÉ and now have my teenage daughters using the products as well. 


    Favorite exercise?
    Pretty much anything that makes me sweat. 

    What are you most excited about in life right now?
    Training for a Spartan UltraBeast (30+ miles, 60+obstacles) 

    What’s something you’d still love to learn?

    If you were a hashtag, what would you be? 
    My hashtag IS #happyandhealthy 

    Who do you admire the most?
    Those that decide to get off the couch and start living a healthy, active lifestyle.

    What is your life motto?
    I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.

    What’s the best advice that you’ve ever received in your life? 
    This too shall pass. 

    What does it mean to be a woman today?
    To be a woman today is an amazing opportunity!
    We can literally achieve what we set our minds to while breaking the glass ceiling! 

    What is a skincare tip or trick you swear by? 
    Apple Cider Vinegar...I make a 50/50 solution with water and use it as a toner. 

    1 Response

    Addie green
    Addie green

    April 05, 2020

    Mama, u r one of the strongest person ik!! I’m so proud of how far u have made it! Continue being yourself and never let anyone put u down. If it wasn’t for u I wouldn’t be the person I am and for that I would do anything just for ya❤️❤️

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