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  • A message from FRÉ Founders

    by Mickael Bensadoun December 27, 2017

    A message from FRÉ Founders


    Dear FRÉnd,

    As 2018 is almost here, we want to summarize 2017 and thank you for being part of FRÉ from its very beginning.

    For us, 2017 was first and foremost the year we launched FRÉ.  

    One year ago, FRÉ was just a great idea with the powerful values of fitness, resilience and elegance; and a dream of creating the best skincare trio on earth for women who love to sweat.

    Today, it is a reality and we want to thank you for trusting us right from the start and helping us make the FRÉ dream come true! 

    We made some mistakes but always strove to give our very best to you and seriously take your feedback into account to constantly improve. 

    Just one year after our launch, we are grateful that the FRÉ tribe exists and that thousands of active women have not only embraced our skincare solution but share the love because it is the best for them.

    We are proud of FRÉ's amazing community of Ambassadors who empower other women, spread the word about the need for a holistic and healthy vision of beauty, fight for people's well-being and help protect our planet.

    We are only a year old but we are grateful for what we have already done with you to help build a better world. For Pink Month, the entire FRÉ community worked together to help prevent breast cancer and support women currently battling cancer. This Christmas, we made sure more children at risk have a healthy holiday meal. And of course, all year long, we glowed together to plant Argan Trees of Life.

    This coming January 15th, thanks to you and the amazing FRÉ community, we will plant thousands of Argan Trees of Life in Essaouira, Morocco, in cooperation with the High Atlas Foundation. These trees will help empower Moroccan women who harvest the Argan oil and work hard to support their families and local communities.

    Now that we know the world needs FRÉ, we are excited to move on to the next part of our adventure with you and continue crafting the very best skincare for active women. In the meantime, we will celebrate 2018 and our one-year anniversary with exciting offers and contests. So, stay tuned.

    Finally, we would love if you could answer this message by sharing your feedback and ideas that can positively impact FRÉ’s future on our Instagram account or Facebook page.

    We look forward to continuing the FRÉ journey with you.

    Thank you!
    Michael & Mickael

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