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by Jude Jacob November 02, 2020
Sweat and intense exercise can negatively impact skin. But exactly how your skin is impacted by your active lifestyle depends on lots of factors like your skin type, the ways in which you work out and your genetics as well as environmental conditions. The FRÉ skincare line was created for skin that sweats, so can prevent and repair sweat and exercise induced skin damage.
The 123FRÉ Set was created for active skin. Based on the patent-pending Argania Active Complex, each product is full of the magical properties of argan. This amazing complex includes tocopherol that prevents and fights acne, sterols that promote cell regeneration, and fatty acids that hydrate. And even more amazing, the complex works for all skin types. By following the basic routine, you cleanse, hydrate and protect your skin in three easy steps.
Step 1: Clean your face with PURIFY ME, a hydrating facial cleanser that is gentle on skin, but tough on grime and post-workout sweat.
Step 2: Hydrate your skin with REVIVE ME, a deep replenishing serum that replaces moisture lost through exercise and sweat.
Step 3: Defend your skin with PROTECT ME is an ultra-light moisturizer with SPF30 that protects skin from harmful UV rays all year round.
Even though the core routine is made for all skin types, additional FRÉ products can be added to your skincare in order to focus on specific skin issues. To find the FRÉ products that are best for you, we’ve created the ultimate Black Friday Skincare Guide so you can find the products to give your skin the ultimate glow.
If you suffer from sensitive, irritated, inflamed, or red skin then we recommend the 123FRÉ Set and I AM JOY.
If you are suffering from premature aging (ie. aging that seems unnatural or accelerated) or are just looking to create a preventative anti-aging routine, then these are the products for you.
Other products
If you suffer from breakouts, hormones and stress can play a big factor and this is something that can be addressed with lifestyle changes (and sometimes medication). But for exercise and mask induced breakouts (maskne), FRÉ can clear your complexion. We recommend the DETOX Set, FRÉ Body & RECOVER ME. Here’s what your routine will look like:
Other products:
If your skin feels totally parched, then our products can help bring moisture back and restore your glow. We recommend the Argan Set & FRÉ Body for a deeply hydrating experience.
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