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by Tal Carmel May 10, 2018
Age: 38
Occupation: Plus size model, motivational speaker, and owner of Everybody clothing brand
Website: https://www.everybody.co.il/blank-10
Growing up Dekel was not one of those girls who liked to exercise. She was always a larger girl and didn’t connect to the fitness world. Like so many young girls, she dreaded gym class in school. And even after joining a runners group, it took her a year before she finally ran. Even so, she chose to have her first run in the cover of night. Where no one would judge her for not having the typical “runners’ body.”
The First Steps
When I finally started running, I fell in love. Running became a release for me. I even went so far as running marathons, occasionally with my dog Chay when I could. Once I found running, I decided to try other things. From running, I found CrossFit and that really opened my eyes to how fitness “looks”. I loved seeing all of the different shaped and sized women in the gym. Not just physically IN the gym, but kicking ass and being incredible overall. It was once I started seeing these amazing differently shaped women that I realized the truth: beauty and strength have no size.
Dressing For The Occasion
One issue still remained. I really struggled to find clothes that fit me properly; things were always too tight, too short, or too “the wrong fit.”
It didn’t matter that my fitness level was comparable to those of the typically “fit” women, the clothing industry in Israel, where I live, simply does not account for women of my stature. So I decided to start my own clothing line, Everybody. Designed for larger women, by a larger woman. After all, who better to design fitness clothes for larger women, than a woman who needs them herself?
Community of Women
After launching my clothing line I started a Facebook group for women like me: larger and athletic.I really wanted to create a platform where women could turn to each other for support and help one another grow. By sharing my story, I knew I could inspire other women not to give up and to help them take on my “I’ll quit tomorrow” mentality. The Facebook group exploded and, with over four-thousand followers, it’s safe to say I’m on my way to accomplishing my mission of creating a platform for larger women to come together and motivate one another.
On top of inspiring women on Facebook, I also love talking to younger girls at schools, showing them that beauty has no size. I want them to know that they don’t have to adhere to societal standards. Even larger women can be models, can be fit/active, and can be beautiful.
Feel The FRÉ!
When l found out about FRÉ, I fell in love. As a vegan I really love what FRÉ represents. I love that they are all about the environment and empowering women of all colors, shapes, and sizes. The fact that FRÉ has its own community of amazing women really spoke to me, and I knew with FRÉ I’d have a family who sees me for who I am: Fit. Resilient. Elegant. Curves and all.
If you're interested to read more, and want to learn how our ambassador Kristen balances a new baby with her marathon training than click here.
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