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  • Singer I Dancer I Actress I Visionary I Creator - Jenny Mollet

    by Jude Jacob July 27, 2022

    Singer I Dancer I Actress I Visionary I Creator - Jenny Mollet


    About me: I was born in the USA, raised in Switzerland and currently, I live in New York City. I’m ambitious and adventurous, down to have a good time and love trying new things. I can be shy and hesitant at first, but I have a go-getter mindset and can adapt to different situations.

    My dance journey
    I started dancing when I was four. I took basic classes: ballet, tap, and jazz. Then, I wanted to dive into more styles: modern, hip hop, African, just to name a few. At some point, I was dancing 7 days a week and part of a professional hip hop group. I was the youngest member, being only six years old, while the oldest member of the group was 18. I’ve always been around people older than me. 

    In my life, things just developed naturally. There was a voice teacher across the hall from where my hip hop group rehearsed. She trained kids for professional work, like Broadway, and I started taking lessons. She encouraged me to audition for The Color Purple on Broadway that Oprah Winfrey was producing. I was not a seasoned singer yet; I had only taken a few voice lessons when I auditioned for the show. After the initial audition, I got a callback and part of the show’s creative team worked with me on some material from the musical. A few days later, I got a call that I was cast. I got to work with some amazing people while working on The Color Purple, including Fantasia Barrino, Chaka Khan, and Bebe Wynans. After the show closed, I continued to train and work on various projects in the arts industry.  

    "I learned a lot of valuable lessons from my career that I can apply throughout my life."

    My path made me grow up quicker than most kids, and there were many challenges along the way. I learned a lot of valuable lessons from my career that I can apply throughout my life. For instance, I’ve realized that my lifestyle is very different from the “average” person; it is not as consistent. I don’t work a 9 to 5 job like most people do. However, I’ve come to realize that my resiliency, faith in myself, and strong work ethic have led me to where I am today and that I’m still standing here with the help of a great mindset. 

    Broadway tour with Jesus Christ Superstar
    Currently, I’m on the Broadway National Tour of Jesus Christ Superstar, and this is my first tour. I’m more accustomed to working locally in New York City, or even regionally for extended periods of time, but when you are on tour, you normally travel to a new city on a weekly basis. Even though moving around is tiring, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I get to travel (which is one of my favorite things to do), do what I love, and I really enjoy meeting new people in each city. This tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar is very special, because it is the 50th anniversary of the show. I’m honored and privileged to be a part of this production. Recently, I made my principal role debut as Mary Magdalene. It was very exciting to have the opportunity to play this part, since I understudy this role and I’ve been waiting many months to go on.

    Living with type 1 diabetes
    Fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease. I’m extremely grateful for finding out when I did, because I was extremely sick. I had lost a lot of weight, nothing was staying in my system, and I was slipping in and out of a coma. Being diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic was a real life shift and nothing is the same as it was. Now, I carry my lifeline of insulin, infusion sets, glucose, and other essentials with me wherever I go. People poke fun at me about carrying so much stuff, but it's essential. I just don’t know what will happen to me at any given moment, and I have to be prepared. Living with diabetes has given me many life tools as well, such as being self-reliant and self-aware. 

    "Living with diabetes has given me many life tools as well, such as being self-reliant and self-aware." 

    I am really happy that I am part of a community of type 1 diabetics within and outside the arts. There is a learning curve when you have type 1 diabetes. Every individual's body reacts differently to different things, including the food we consume, the amount of insulin we take, physical activity we do, etc. It’s really awesome to have a community that supports you through the ups and downs of it all. 

    Volunteer work with JDRF, X, and BAE
    I’ve done a bit of work with  JDRF. They are a nonprofit organization focused on juvenile diabetes. When I was younger, I got to perform at the United Nations on World Diabetes Day with singer and American Idol finalist Elliot Yamin who is a Type 1 Diabetic himself. Another highlight from my time working with JDRF was when I had the opportunity to be a part of the JDRF Children’s Congress. I was chosen to go to Washington D.C., meet with fellow T1s from across the country, and meet with celebrities and public figures who also have T1, such as Nick Jonas, Mary Tyler Moore, and more. But most importantly, I had the chance to speak with my senators and representatives at the time on the importance of funding for research and finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. 

    I had the amazing opportunity to work with  Help Us Adopt. They are a national nonprofit organization that helps with grants to build all types of families through adoption. This organization holds a personal place in my heart since I was adopted myself as a newborn. There are so many kids who never get the chance to have a family or a family’s love. I wish more people would know that an adopted child is NOT a second rate child. We deserve the same amount of love as to anyone with their biological family. If it wasn’t for my family and their support, I don’t know where I would be.

    I also work with  Broadway for Arts Education (BAE), a nonprofit where the Broadway community comes together to provide classes in the arts to underserved youth. They have programs in New York City as well as Haiti, India and the Galapagos Islands. I’ve absolutely loved working with the students at BAE. They are very talented; some of the work that they’ve created is just incredible. I’m so appreciative to be a part of this organization, because I see a lot of myself in them. These classes give them the chance to grow and flourish in their artistry. I know that I would not be the person I am today if I did not receive an arts education, and it’s important for me that these students have this type of educational opportunity, too. 

    All about Skincare
    I have combination skin. I’ve dabbled in different skincare treatments and tried to figure out what's best for me. 

    My daily routine
    Normally, I like to work out in the morning, so first, I wash my face with  PURIFY ME when I get up. It’s very gentle. I love the fresh scent. Then, I apply a dab of  REVIVE ME  to hydrate my skin. I want my skin to have some moisture before I go out to start my workout; the  PURIFY ME and  REVIVE ME combination gives me the moisture I need.

    After working out, I come back to shower and apply a little bit of  REVIVE ME and  PROTECT ME, especially if I am planning to be in the sun. Sometimes, this duo is enough, but other days, I apply them and then put on my makeup.

    Usually, I wear heavy makeup in the evenings due to the show and this can take a toll on my skin. After the show, I first do a quick cleanse at the theater in order to remove some of the makeup.  Then, at home, I do my regular FRÉ routine with  PURIFY ME and  REVIVE ME.

    Being on tour, sometimes I deal with different challenges, one of them is being in different climates and temperatures. Thankfully, FRÉ works well for me in all the different environments. 

    "My favorite product is REVIVE ME. It soaks into my skin quickly and evenly."

    My favorite product is  REVIVE ME. In the past, the serums that I used did not have the correct consistency for me; they were always too oily, watery or liquidy, but  REVIVE ME is just right. Sometimes, a serum can make me look extra greasy, but  REVIVE ME doesn't do that. It soaks into my skin quickly and evenly. 

    I’ve had issues with dark spots and oily skin and FRÉ has really helped with those problem areas. The high-performance ingredients have helped even my skin tone, and I feel more confident about showing off my natural skin. I now have the confidence to walk out of the house without any makeup on which I wasn’t able to do in the past. It’s great because I can also let my skin breathe since it already goes through so much. People say love the skin you are in and thanks to FRÉ, I have the confidence to do so. 

    Rapid Fire:

    • Favorite exercise?  Zumba
    • What does sweat mean to you?  Getting your body moving, in any way you can and feeling your best, even if it’s just jumping up and down like a little kid.
    • What comes to mind first when you think of FRÉ?  Fresh 
    • What are you most excited about in life right now?  Just to see where life takes me. Soon, I’ll be wrapping up my Broadway tour and figuring out my next steps. 
    • What’s something you’d still love to learn?   I’m excited to learn more about myself. I’m definitely diving in on my self-love and self-discovery journey right now. 
    • If you were a hashtag, what would you be?  #littleswissmiss
    • What is your mantra?  I love myself, I embrace myself, I am worthy. 
    • What’s the best advice that you’ve ever received in your life?  You do you! This is your life to live and not anyone else’s. You only have one life to live. Live and breathe every moment like it’s your last.

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