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by Jude Jacob Kayton July 01, 2020
About me: In my freshman year of college, I started training friends. I got certified by my sophomore year. I worked at LA fitness for one year and then decided to do my own thing with personal training online. I focus on weight loss, weight gain, and currently, do a lot of work with KFQ FITNESS with youth of all ages and summer camps. I’m also a teacher and teach fifth grade social studies. My motivation for fitness was my family. My mom has high blood pressure and struggles with obesity, and my father has diabetes. But fitness became a passion and I learned that many college students were stressing about it and lacking confidence. I used to help women aged 18-50, but, currently, I work with youth.
Breaking out
Before I started using FRÉ, I had breakouts on the top of my head. I was eating well and I couldn’t figure out what was causing the blemishes. I was constantly fighting heat bumps and random pimples. Sometimes, I would pop them, and when I did, they would leave dark marks on my face. I wanted to get rid of them and tried so many skincare lines, but nothing worked. Even the really expensive brands did nothing. I was so happy when FRÉ reached out.
I love my skin and taking care of mind, body and soul, since for me, fitness and wellness are holistic. FRÉ is perfect.
The bumps started to clear up. I realized that FRÉ is effective, because it’s made specifically for women who work out. I didn’t realize that exercise could be causing my skin issues; I was working out 4 times a week and all that sweat was affecting my skin.
Gaining confidence
FRÉ has helped me have confidence. When I was younger, people would often say “you are dark skinned, so you aren’t beautiful,” and these comments traumatized me. Although I had great skin as a kid, as a teen, I didn’t love my skin. I wore lots of makeup and played basketball, and that mix was hard on my skin. I also neglected my skin and didn’t have a good skincare routine, because I believed I wasn’t beautiful. Today, I embrace my complexion, and I don’t wear makeup all the time.
I love that FRÉ is for all skin types.
The skincare lines I used in the past did not contain antioxidants, vitamins, or SPF 30 sunscreen. This meant my skin wasn’t protected, which caused dark spots and made me break out regularly. I also noticed that salicylic acid is not beneficial for my dark skin; it causes me to break out, but a lot of skincare lines contain this ingredient. According to Los Angeles based aesthetician Nai Roberts, the skin cells of deeper skin tones are more densely packed. She recommends exfoliation two or three times per week, but I find that FRÉ’s PURIFY ME allows me to gently exfoliate daily. Ultimately, I believe if skincare products have the right ingredients like FRÉ’s line, consisting of antioxidants, fatty acids and SPF30 as well as being alcohol-free and fragrance-free, they will work for every type of skin and complexion.
My routine
I wash my face with PURIFY ME, then put on a few dabs of REVIVE ME. My skin is oily, so I don’t need much moisture. I use RECOVER ME at night, and twice a week I use the DETOX ME mask. Sunday is “self-care Sunday” and I always use DETOX ME then. DETOX ME is definitely my favorite FRÉ; it makes me feel refreshed. I also love I AM LOVE and apply it over lotion all over my body. It makes my skin feel amazing!
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