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  • Skincare IS Suncare

    by Tal Carmel June 25, 2018

    Skincare IS Suncare

    With summer in full swing, it’s important to talk once again about the importance of proper suncare. We’re not just talking about: ‘drink LOTS of water’ and ‘slather on the sunscreen’ (although both are important, and will definitely be mentioned in one way or another) type of suncare. We’re talking about skincare-suncare. You might be thinking, huh? But, that’s our motto for this summer. Because skincare IS suncare, and we’re going to give you some examples of how and why.

    First up in the roster: Tanning.

    You knew we were going to go there, so we might as well get it out of the way. It’s summer, we all want to look our toasty best. But with that ever-so-coveted golden-brown, sunkissed gold, or caramel color you’re going for is the ever present, and VERY real, danger of skin cancer. What’s the best way to avoid danger and get a killer tan?

    Fake it till ya make it!

    That’s right folks, hop over to your nearest drugstore, or make-up shop, and pick up some handy-dandy tan in a bottle. It can be applied  in seconds, it lasts for weeks, and you only get the tan lines you want ;). It is the safest option for those ladies who need a little, or in my pasty-white case a LOT, of help with our summer tan. A spray tan is the healthiest option when it comes to tanning. It doesn’t include any of the harmful UV rays that the sun does. Don’t even THINK about tanning beds (which are seriously the WORST!) Twenty minutes of exposure in a tanning bed may equal up to two hours spent on the beach under the hot midday sun without protection. Talk about wrinkles! Do yourself, your skin, and your wallet a favor: spray the tan. Your skin will thank you, now and later.

    Second - Slather on the Sunscreen!

    We couldn’t resist, and we did warn you that we’d mention sunscreen. Afterall, what IS summer without sunscreen? It’s red and angry, that’s what. But we’re not going to talk about just any old sunscreen. We’re nowhere near that boring! Nope, we’re talking about the type of sunscreen you’ll actually WANT to wear. A lightweight sunscreen that doesn’t drip into your eyes, or leave a white-cast on your face. Sounds like a summertime dream, doesn’t it? I mean who wants to be worried about a sweaty-sunscreen mixture dripping into her eyes, stinging, blurring her vision, while she is totally winning at beach volleyball? I definitely don’t. A nice, easy, fresh smelling sun protectant like PROTECT ME is just what the doctor ordered. It is as strong and effective, as it is lightweight and fresh.


    Don’t Forget About Us!

    We all remember to drink water and wear sun protectant on our faces and exposed bodies. But how many of us actually remember that our scalps and lips can burn too? I know I never think about it… until they hurt from sunburn… The skin on your head and lips is also vulnerable to the suns rays and as such requires just as much TLC as the rest of your body. The good news is, they’re so easy to protect! You know that big floppy hat that ALWAYS seems to be in style around this time of year? Or that just barely tinted SPF lip gloss you always keep in your purse? Well baby, their time has come! Summertime is the PERFECT time to let your inner Audrey Hepburn shine; just slap on some cat eye sunglasses and you’ve got it. I know we all want to get that ‘care-free’ sun-bleached hair, but as great as those streaks may look, they won’t protect your scalp from burning. An itchy peeling scalp is never a good look, especially not when paired with peeling lips… So put on a hat, gloss your pout, and let’s make this summer the summer of sophistication.

    Back From The Beach:

    Once you get back home and out of the summer sun, it’s time to cleanse the day away. While taking a nice COOL shower sounds like a dream in and of itself, the added health benefits make it a serious skin win. Spending hours out in the sun can be dehydrating on your skin, especially if you’re not taking the proper precautions (i.e. DRINK WATER!). So, although everyone enjoys a nice hot shower, this summer keep it cool. Where taking a hot shower can dry out your skin and hair, a cool shower leaves you with the silken hair and smooth skin of the Gods! How? By closing up your pores and cuticles obviously. Take it from us: Hot water is out, cold water is in.


    Speaking of skin and cool water, it is so so sooo important to detox your face after a day out. Let’s be real, facial skin is THE skin we all tend to care about most. It goes without saying that as the most sensitive skin we have, it requires extra love and attention. So after a crazy fun day in the sun, filled with salty water, juicy fruits (more on that soon) and sunscreen, it’s vital to cleanse. We’re not just talking wash your face ‘off’. We’re talking that detoxing-mask-that-sinks-deep-down-into-your-pores, ‘off’. A great face mask, like DETOX ME, penetrates into the deeper layer of skin purifying and extracting the pollutants from your face. Bonus points if you pair it with a deeply rejuvenating serum, like REVIVE ME, for added benefits and hydration.

    Eat Your Way To Skincare:

    If you know what’s good for you, you know food is probably number one on that list. Summer is no different. It might not inherently make sense, but eating the right foods in the summer sun can have a load of great benefits. For starters, it’s important to understand how certain foods, namely those in the melon family, can help keep you hydrated in the heat. Melons, like cantaloupe and watermelon, are extremely high in water content making them the perfect way to stay hydrated when you simply can’t drink anymore plain water. Not to mention, if you pop them in the fridge first, they are a great cooling snack. In addition to being delicious and hydrating, the two melons are high in nutrients. Cantaloupe is filled with Vitamin A and watermelon practically drips Lycopene. Spoiler alert! Vitamin A and Lycopene are great for your skin. Vitamin A protects against UV damage and slows signs of aging. And, Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps protect skin from environmental agents that can contribute to clogged pores and breakouts. Plus, these melons are so good, why wouldn’t you eat them all summer long regardless?!


    Whether your aiming for bronzed Goddess or Ivory enchantress this summer, we hope you’ll start chanting our motto loud and proud: Skincare IS Suncare! Take care of your skin this summer. After all, you only get one right?

    If you enjoyed this article, then check out our blog on some top tips from our skincare experts. You can find them by clicking HERE.

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