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  • The Best Eye Cream to Reduce Wrinkles

    The Best Eye Cream to Reduce Wrinkles

    I am turning 40 next month. I would like to believe the sands of time have not affected me, but the growing patch of gray hair on the left side of my head says otherwise. In addition to gray hair, I have started to notice wrinkles on my face, especially around my eyes. Let’s just say, I wasn’t pleased. It’s not that I mind another birthday; I love being showered with gifts. It’s just that I want to age gracefully, and in my mind, that means looking as young as possible without surgery for as long as possible. I realized that I needed the best eye cream available to keep the wrinkles at bay.

    Selecting an eye cream

    So where should I start? There are millions of eye creams on the market, and they all promise to make you look young and lovely. The clerk at the pharmacy recommended an eye cream that, unfortunately, did not live up to its claims, and it gave me a bit of a rash—thanks to my sensitive skin that gets irritated easily. Then, I saw an ad that convinced me to try a certain eye cream. Another let down to say the least.

    Hoping to correct these missteps, I decided to do some reading. A good eye cream that reduces wrinkles should contain hydrating ingredients, such as niacinamide and hyaluronic acid, ceramides, which improve the strength and moisture of the skin, and Vitamin E, which moisturizes and soothes skin. Then, I had a eureka moment—since I already love FRÉ’s serums, to help with my skin redness, I decided to look at their eye cream, BRIGHTEN ME. It contains all these active ingredients, so I gave it a try.

    **Throw confetti** I found the best eye cream for wrinkles! It is BRIGHTEN ME! First win, it did not bother my sensitive skin. It soaked into my skin quickly without causing any irritation. Second win, within a week, I could see how the skin around my eyes was firmer. There definitely were fewer wrinkles. BRIGHTEN ME is not a magic cream; it’s science-led formula contains high performance ingredients that really work. Let’s take a look at them.

    The ingredients that
    power BRIGHTEN ME

    In addition to the active ingredients that I mentioned already, BRIGHTEN ME contains three patented formulas. The first, FRÉ’s Argania Active Complex™, combines argan oil, stem cells, and leaf water to provide deep hydration, nourishment and restore the delicate pH balance of the skin around your eye. The second patented ingredient is Adipoless, a high quality quinoa extract. Adipoless is clinically proven to reduce intensity of dark circles by 90% in 28 days and it maintains skin elasticity. The third patented ingredient is Eyeliss, which reduces puffiness around the eyes and smoothes the skin.

    Eye cream vs. face cream

    Now that I started to look at eye creams I started to wonder, are eye creams really any different than face creams or are they just face creams in a smaller bottle? After doing some more reading, I learned that they are not the same. Face creams’ main purpose is to moisturize skin and can be used all over your face. They may have additional ingredients like SPF to provide sun protection, but their main goal is to keep your skin hydrated. On the other hand, eye creams are designed for the delicate skin around your eye. They usually are packed full of active ingredients to deal with eye skin issues, like wrinkles and under-eye bags.

    Integrating eye cream into a skincare routine

    I found the best eye cream to reduce wrinkles, but I wanted to know how to apply it, so it would be the most effective. So I talked to my friend Jude, who knows all things skincare, and she explained to me that you want to put your lighter products on first and then your heavier products. I told her what products I was using regularly and she helped me organize my skincare routine.

    As I approach my fortieth birthday, my skincare routine has grown to four steps.

    Step 1, I wash my face with a gentle cleanser.

    Step 2, I apply my serum, C ME in the day and REVIVE ME at night. I started using these serums to help with skin redness, but they also help with my wrinkles. The Vitamin C in C ME smoothes my skin’s texture, reducing lines, and the argan stem cells in REVIVE ME strengthen my skin's elasticity, preventing more lines from appearing.

    Step 3, I gently apply a small amount of BRIGHTEN ME along the orbital bone, from the inner to the outer corners of my eye contour areas.

    Step 4, in the morning, I finish with a moisturizing SPF to protect my skin from sun damage, which can speed up the signs of aging.

    Step 4, at night, I apply 100% Organic Argan Oil. Argan oil is rich in sterols, which repair skin cell membrane damage caused by UVA and UVB radiation.

    They also promote cell regeneration, which makes your skin look younger. I love finishing my day with a facial oil; it forms a protective seal on my skin to prevent moisture loss and keep all the active ingredients of my serums and creams in my skin.


    BRIGHTEN ME costs $45. It is the middle of the road in the price range for eye creams that reduce wrinkles. The most important thing is that BRIGHTEN ME really works! The skin around my eyes looks firmer and younger. It is the best eye cream for wrinkles out there, so it is money well spent.

    Sharing the love for BRIGHTEN ME

    Now that I have found an eye cream that reduces wrinkles and makes my eyes look great, I am happily telling everyone about it. A month ago, while I was waiting to pick up my son from preschool, I was talking to another mother, Lisa, at the school entrance. I see her most afternoons and we chat about everyday stuff while we wait. She said to me, “You won’t believe what my mother-in-law said to me the other day! She said, ‘You look so tired. Why don’t you care about your appearance anymore.’ Can you believe that! Like what mother who has two little kids doesn’t look tired?!” Immediately, I told her about BRIGHTEN ME. I told her that it has reduced my wrinkles AND given my eyes a more alert appearance. She tried it, and a week ago, she told me, “I can’t believe how great BRIGHTEN ME is! My eyes look so bright and young. I look like I actually sleep eight hours a night!” I asked her if her mother-in-law noticed. “She never has anything nice to say to me, but my mother mentioned that I looked more rested and asked if I had hired a mother’s helper,” she told me, laughing.
    A few weeks ago, I was waiting for the elevator with my nosey upstairs neighbor. Suddenly, she said to me, “You have done something; you look different! Younger!” I told her that I was using BRIGHTEN ME, recommending that she should try it, too. “I don’t know,” she responded, “I have oily skin and some of those creams make my eyes look like I wiped them with a greasy rag.” I reassured her that BRIGHTEN ME is quick absorbing and doesn’t leave a greasy film under your eyes. I bumped into her again last weekend by the elevator. “Look at me, look at me!” she insisted. I looked, her eyes looked younger and brighter. “I tried the eye cream that you recommended. It really is the best eye cream to reduce wrinkles! My eyes look at least 10 years younger!”

    Fighting my wrinkles

    I know wrinkles can be signs of wisdom and experience, but I would rather show my skills through actions and not with the lines on my face. Thankfully, I have found the best eye cream to reduce wrinkles, BRIGHTEN ME. Its high performance ingredients really make my skin look firmer and my eyes look younger. I will celebrate my fortieth birthday next week, but I might keep telling everyone I am 39. I know my eyes will not give away the truth.

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