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by Ilana Hart August 29, 2021
Every month we explore how FRÉ has transformed the skin of one of our ambassadors
About me: I’m a homeschooling mom and a health and wellness enthusiast! I’m currently living my dream, living on an island, leading yoga flows on the beach. I love spending my time outdoors, surfing, running, and playing with my kids.
My skin challenges
My skin is all over the place! It can be super dry, especially after a day at the beach in the sun. But sometimes, I wake up in the morning and it’s super oily.
My face used to burn when I sweat. Whenever I worked out, as soon as I started to sweat my skin would start to prickle. It would stay red and irritated most of the day. I also had bouts of acne, usually around my mouth.
I never had a skincare routine. I would pretty much just stand in the aisle of Target looking at the different face washes and just grab whatever was on sale. My face felt clean, but they never helped with my skin issues. I figured it was just something that happened to everyone when they got sweaty.
My skin today
My skin today is the best it has ever been. I honestly think finding clean products has been a game changer. I was always hesitant to search for skincare that was clean because I thought that it wouldn’t be affordable. We were a one-income family and I didn’t want to splurge on something and have it not work.
I also think that cutting out processed foods helped with my acne. I was more intentional about what I was putting in my body, and making sure to get enough water to stay hydrated. I’m also plant-based, which I’ve seen overall benefits from, but not having those random acne spells has been huge.
My daily routine
My daily skincare routine is super basic. I know that I’ll most likely be in the ocean later in the day, so I tend to stick to simplicity.
In the morning, I wash my face with CLEANSE ME. I follow up with the BRIGHTEN ME eye cream, and then GLOW ME tinted moisturizer. After that I use Farmasi (a clean, non-toxic makeup line) pomade to give myself some eyebrows (hello barely-visible-blonde-brows) and a swipe of their Zen mascara. I usually finish off with a spritz of the I AM JOY rose setting spray.
In the evening I used the CLEANSE ME face wash, and then the REVIVE ME serum. On days that I’ve been at the beach or in the sun for a long time, I also use the RECOVER ME night cream.
My favorite FRÉ: I’m going to go with the GLOW ME tinted moisturizer. I love that it has SPF in it, and in the winter months when I’m not as tan, it gives me that subtle tint.
My secret way of using FRÉ: I throw the REFRESH ME spray in all my bags! I have one in my yoga bag for after my sweaty flows, and in my beach bag. It’s nice to have some hydration and feel fresh before you can get home to wash your face.
I’m so grateful that FRÉ products are truly affordable. It proves you don’t have to spend a ton of money for good, quality products.
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