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  • The FRÉ Effect: La Niecia’ Vicknair

    by Jude Jacob January 31, 2021

    The FRÉ Effect: La Niecia’ Vicknair

    Every month we explore how FRÉ has transformed the skin of one of our ambassadors.



    About me: My name is La Niecia’ and they call me Lala. I majored in Interior Design and live in Los Angeles View Park. I became a personal trainer in 2015 because I wanted to help my family and give my community resources we didn’t have. In 2016 I opened my gym, Thrive Health Lab. We are a one-stop-shop for TRX, yoga and more. 


    Dealing with acne

    I've had acne since I was a teen, and part of it was sweat induced. I was a cheerleader and would sweat all day. I had adult acne in college due to stress. I’ve always been a less is more kind of person when it comes to skincare. I don’t have time for complicated products and never really had a routine. I used to just splash some water on my face in the morning or wash my face in the shower and that was it.

    "As I get older, I’ve realized how important moisture is for my skin. I use REVIVE ME and it’s great for my sensitive skin."

    My skincare “routine”

    Now I take better care of my skin and use face wash, astringents and moisturizers. My acne is much better although I still break out around my period. As I get older, I’ve realized how important moisture is for my skin. I use REVIVE ME and it’s great for my sensitive skin. But I’m still not super strict with the products I use daily. I’ve learnt less is more when it comes to getting sweat off my skin after working out 4-5 times a week.

    Apart from skincare, I can feel that my skin is better when I stay hydrated. If there are days I drink less I’ll get more breakouts. My breakouts are also really influenced by stress, it makes my skin flare up like crazy and mask-wearing during Covid-19 has made my skin break out too.


    "I started using 123FRÉ about a month ago. At the time I had a terrible breakout and FRÉ really helped reduce the inflammation and make my skin smoother."


    Combination skin

    As a gym owner I end up sitting in my sweat a lot, with limited time to wash and change. I started using 123FRÉ about a month ago. At the time I had a terrible breakout and FRÉ really helped reduce the inflammation and make my skin smoother. I have combination skin, so part of my skin is always oily, but with the cold weather my cheeks can get dry. I did go to a dermatologist and get a prescription spot cream, which works, but it’s super strong. 

    I like that FRÉ is simple and that PURIFY ME both cleanses and moisturizes. The exfoliating beads are also made from jojoba and super gentle, not harsh like sand as they are with a lot of products. My skin honestly feels as soft as a baby’s bottom! 

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