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  • One Set, One Tree

    by Aaron AD May 04, 2017

    One Set, One Tree

    Argan is at the Heart of FRÉ

    FRÉ is a unique 3-step skincare solution that builds skin resilience and is tailor-made for sweating skin. FRÉ protects, purifies and revives your skin before, during and after a workout. What’s really unique about FRÉ is its secret ingredient, Argania Active Complex©. This is the formula at the heart of FRÉ’s solution and is based on the desert Argan. The oil itself is frequently used for skincare, but FRÉ innovates one step further by combining Argan oil with kernel extract, leaf-water extract and Argan stem cells. FRÉ’s breakthrough ingredient combines new ways of harvesting Argan with parts of the desert Argan that have never been used before. FRÉ brings the power of the Argan’s desert moisture and resilience to deeply nourish sweating skin. Argania Active Complex© contains high vitamin E with high fatty acid content, and potent anti-oxidant properties. The unique Argan-based formula is perfect for protecting, nourishing and repairing sweating skin.

    Buy a Set, Plant a Tree

    In parternship with the High Atlas Foundation, for every 123FRÉ set sold, we will plant an Argan tree of life. The Argan is often referred to as the “Tree of Life” and planting new trees helps bring life back to the endangered Argan forests. In general, Argan must be expertly harvested from the desert tree and this is generally done through local techniques that form a key part of traditions and customs, and extend back through multiple generations of local communities. All our Argan is harvested in Morocco together with the local community. We know that the local Amazigh people of Morocco have used Argan to treat ailments like heart disease, rheumatism and have applied it directly to dry skin and hair for centuries. Modern botanical science supports what the Amazigh have known for generations: Argan has a rich proportion of potent antioxidants and fatty acids and is one of the most nourishing natural skincare ingredients ever discovered.

    The Argan agroforestry system is complex and booming. It is an industry that is estimated to sustain around 3 million people and it also provides the last natural barrier to desertification in the southwest of Morocco. However, in less than a century, tree density has decreased from 100 to 30 trees per hectare. Argan and Argan harvesting is crucial to the prosperity of the region, but the Argan forests must be restored and replenished to maintain the forests, ecosystem and livelihood of communities.

    Giving Back to the Community with the High Atlas Foundation

    The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is dedicated to catalyzing economic growth and manages projects to break the poverty cycle and help disadvantaged communities throughout Morocco. HAF establishes livelihood advancement projects, which are identified and managed by local women’s cooperatives, in partnership with the public, private and civil sectors. HAF is focused on empowering women and building synergistic partnerships that drive sustainable, community-initiated development in Morocco. Together with HAF, FRÉ has created the One Set, One Tree Project to create grassroots women’s empowerment projects that benefit communities. Every time you buy a set, a tree is planted, replenishing the endangered Argan forests and providing economic sustainability to local women’s cooperatives. Since sustainability has a trickle down effect, this means every tree planted gives the women who harvest Argan the opportunity to break themselves, their families and their communities out of a cycle of poverty, and create a better future.


    Help us Create Multi-Layered Impact

    Planting Argan trees has a multi-layered impact by creating sustainable development, protecting the planet and empowering women who harvest Argan oil in Morocco. Every tree planted helps to increase the economic security of villagers in Morocco. But to make an even bigger impact, we need your help. Purchase a set of FRÉ, become one of our fitness enthusiasts and improve your skin while helping to improve the world (it really is that simple).

    With your help, we’ve planted 300 trees to date.

    Want to make a difference by empowering women and protecting the planet? 

    Click here.



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