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  • Meet FRÉ Ambassador Liz McCulloch, Medical Student, Swimmer & Gym Enthusiast

    by Jude Jacob Kayton April 30, 2020

    Meet FRÉ Ambassador Liz McCulloch, Medical Student, Swimmer & Gym Enthusiast


    About me: I was born in Llandough, in South Wales near Cardiff and I now live in Exeter while studying Medicine at Exeter University. I love swimming and going to the gym. I’m fun and bubbly, but also an introvert.


    "Everyday after my morning workout I use PURIFY ME to wash my face and dry my skin using a clean towel and then I moisturize."

    My fitness journey

    I started my fitness journey through my swimming career. I began swimming in a club aged 7 and made my way through the sport to a point where I trained 20+ hours a week (including the dreaded morning training before school 3 times a week!). I made national finals in Wales but decided to quit during my A levels (age 18) to focus on my studies.  Since then I started university and kept swimming and competing but nowhere near as much! During my second year at university I started going to the gym properly and I got slightly addicted to it. Now I find myself going to the gym at least 5 times a week and documenting my journey on Instagram.

    Studying Medicine

    I got into Exeter University to study medicine 3 years ago and at the moment have 2 years left before I qualify as a doctor. At school I always enjoyed the science subjects and found the human body super interesting and that’s what sparked my interest. 

    Tips for coping with Covid-19

    1. It’s a great idea to find a new hobby – I’ve been trying yoga which I have never done before, and it's actually becoming really fun for me. I’ve just been copying YouTube videos in my living room and having a great time.
    2. Spend time with others and time on your own – I think that it’s important that even though we are all stuck together (as a family)  that we still have time for ourselves – have a bath, do a facemask, do some exercise on your own, do anything you find enjoyable in groups and on your own.
    3. Keep talking to all your friends and stay connected – it makes life so much more fun and engaged.


    "My biggest skincare tip is READ THE INGREDIENTS and make sure the products you are using are right for you."


    My skincare routine

    I get oily skin in my T-zone, which drives me up the wall, especially when I wear makeup – by the end of the day you can definitely see the oiliness coming through! Currently I also have a breakout on my chin which I’m trying to get under control.

    Everyday after my morning workout I use PURIFY ME to wash my face and dry my skin using a clean towel and then I moisturize. Before going to bed I use PURIFY ME again and put on REVIVE ME. About 10 minutes later I use the RECOVER ME night cream with some eye cream and poof I’m ready for bed! I’m not going to lie; I’ve been using this routine for about 5 weeks now and am absolutely loving my skin!

    I’m allergic to salicylic acid (it's basically aspirin) and for those of you that don’t know it’s in A LOT of skin care products. I’ve found that when I use these products my face gets really red and agitated (especially if I do any masks). It’s so nice that FRÉ’s products don’t contain any of this and my skin is definitely thanking me for it. My biggest skincare tip is READ THE INGREDIENTS and make sure the products you are using are right for you.

    Rapid Fire:

    -Favorite exercise?  Squats 

    -What comes to mind when you think of FRÉ?  Pure

    -What are you most excited about in life right now?   Returning to normality!!

    -What’s something you’d still love to learn?   How to speak Spanish 

    -If you were a hashtag, what would you be?   #gymwannabe

    -What’s your mantra?  Stay cool, calm + collective

    -What’s the best advice that you’ve ever received in your life?  Don’t worry, go for it 

    -What is an issue that you wish we spoke about more often?  Global warming

    -What does it mean to be a woman today?  Being yourself no matter what that is! 

    -What does sweat mean to you?  The point at which your body is telling you your workout is effective! 

    -What social causes are you involved in?  I’m taking part in the @run.for.heroes campaign to raise money for the NHS in the UK, it involves doing runs and nominating other people to join in, it’s a great way to get moving and help our medical services in this tough time.

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