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  • Talia Sutra: Having a Daily Skincare Ritual is a Way of Showing Ourselves Care and Compassion

    by Ilana Hart October 31, 2021

    Talia Sutra: Having a Daily Skincare Ritual is a Way of Showing Ourselves Care and Compassion


    About me:  I live in Tel Aviv. I was born in Israel, but moved to New York with my family when I was 11. At age 17, we moved back to Israel, and then I moved back to New York independently a few years later to study Fine Arts. I decided not to finish my degree and instead pursued a yoga teacher certification and began teaching full time.

    Becoming A Yogi: A Journey Of Exploration 

    I’ve always been interested in human nature, and thought that I would go into fine arts, theology or philosophy. As a child, I was naturally inquisitive and naturally drawn to thinking about my choices and how they affect the world. When I was six, my mom started practicing yoga and meditation after she was diagnosed with lymphoma. So I was introduced to yoga from a young age. I was able to observe it. I was also naturally very capable physically. I was extremely flexible and articulate with my body.

    "I was introduced to yoga from a young age. I was able to observe it. I was also naturally very capable physically. I was extremely flexible and articulate with my body."

    I got a lot of gifts from my mother. She’s very athletic and flexible and has done many body-based trainings her whole life. At age 63, she’s more than physically beautiful, you feel something in her energy - you feel her vibrancy and health; she’s so young physically and in her spirit. 

    I’ve been teaching for over a decade, and now my main focus is on teacher training. I just got back from the French Alps where I led a month-long, 14-hour-a-day training course. Since Corona, I’ve also been doing lots of online trainings.

    A Shift In Perspective: Realizing My Purpose As An Instructor

    When I think back to teaching my first classes, it was really an amazing experience. I was never an extroverted person, that’s why I liked intense body disciplines like ballet and yoga, because I didn’t have to talk so much. It was really hard for me in the beginning, learning to talk to people. It’s not a natural ability. A big highlight for me was getting through the really intense patterns of fear, of being in front of a room and being able to teach and connect with people. 

    Once it clicked that this is really not about me, and if I can help someone breathe a little bit deeper or find a little more space in their spine, then that’s what it’s about. I shifted my whole perspective to how I could be of service to others. That liberated me and was a really transformative event.

    No. 1 Health & Wellness Tip

    Sometimes it can feel overwhelming when we try to make a big change in our lives. A really great way that we can move towards a more loving space internally and externally is to start the day with gratitude and say “thank-you” every morning. Also, taking responsibility for our actions can help us feel empowered to make changes.

    "A really great way that we can move towards a more loving space internally and externally is to start the day with gratitude and say “thank-you” every morning."

    Love and All Is Coming

    I’m always making sure that what I’m consuming is going to elevate my spirit and body. My aim is to consume through love and make loving awareness the route of everyday choices. This includes making choices about the kinds of people we hang out with and where we lend our energy to.

    What we consume will affect the quality of life and it also shows up in our skin. The body never lies. It’s very easy to see the health and vitality of a human being in the light in their eyes, the quality of their hair, and in their skin.

    "I’m always making sure that what I’m consuming is going to elevate my spirit and body. My aim is to consume through love and make loving awareness the route of everyday choices."

    Skincare doesn’t seem so obvious, but it really can have a tremendous effect, especially if we eliminate products that use chemicals or reduce plastic packaging. I think it can make a small but powerful shift in our lives.

    Skincare Routine 

    I feel like any skincare routine needs three primary steps - to clean the face, tone the skin (balance pH), and deep moisturization.

    The I AM Set, which I co-created with FRÉ, reflects this simple but very effective routine. This is the routine that I’ve been doing for years, morning and night:

    • Step 1: I cleanse my face with the I AM PURE dual facial cleansing bar
    • Step 2: I spritz on the I AM JOY rose water toner
    • Step 3: I massage in a few drops of I AM LOVE, the illuminating facial oil

    Having a daily skincare ritual is a way of showing ourselves care and compassion. When I wake up in the morning, I like to start my day with a simple affirmation of gratitude. Immediately after that I go and wash my hands and face. It’s so intuitive. When we have a specific ritual that goes along with how we start our day - that structure and framework is very helpful. I like doing things that feel good and set up my day for feeling great.

    "Having a daily skincare ritual is a way of showing ourselves care and compassion."

    I think the key to healthy skin is not a secret - your skin absorbs a lot. So, not using products that are full of chemicals. I don't put anything on my skin that I wouldn't want to eat. Every time I go outside, I wear a hat and sunglasses, and I don’t put my face in direct sunlight. 

    My favorite skincare ritual:  Massaging my face with I AM LOVE in the morning is very grounding. Natural ingredients help connect me to the earth. It’s a really powerful and energetic experience.

    Rapid Fire:

    • Favorite exercise?  Walking
    • What does sweat mean to you?  A vital process, release/remove what the skin doesn’t need
    • What comes to mind when you think of FRÉ?  Love, family, community
    • What are you most excited about in life right now?  My new daughter is coming soon
    • What’s something you’d still love to learn?  I’m deepening my knowledge of sanskrit
    • If you were a hashtag, what would you be?  #loveandalliscoming
    • What is your mantra?  Love and all is coming
    • What’s the best advice that you’ve ever received in your life?  My dad always says you should never make any decision from a place that’s unsettled or angry
    • What is an issue that you wish we spoke about more often?  Global warming & the treatment of the earth
    • What does women’s empowerment mean in 2021?  Women’s empowerment is human empowerment - knowing what we are and not letting anyone tell us where our limits are. I think women are incredible and can achieve anything. It’s a time for women to wake up collectively to their power
    • What are your dreams for the FRÉ community?  That it continues to grow and all of us continue to move toward more eco-consciousness. I hope we all feel that we have a platform to share from and a place to help lift each other up.

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